
Let's start the Parties

When the curtain falls

Blood, wine, and gold are the themes of our first night. Put on your best dress, get into the rhythm of jazz and hide your decadence behind a mask – save that for the Farewell Party. Tonight, we are going to the Cabaret.

On Thursday 30.05 at 19:00, we will be visiting Brno’s sweet red apple, the wonderful Cabaret Des Péchés, with its lounge singers and burlesque dancers. It’s right in the city centre, surrounded by all that the town has to offer. A beautiful start to a beautiful Conference.

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Cabaret des Péchés

19:00 - 30. 05.

Dominikánské nám. 656/2, Brno

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Return from Gehenna

Our Main Party will traditionally take place at our Conference venue itself, right by the Cathedral which marks our main stage. Here, we’ll experience both the sad and happy sides of the arts, so that once we rise, we can emerge stronger and escape from Gehenna.

Get excited for Friday 31.05 at 20:00, and the great performances of Nirvana (tribute), Django Jet and our talented Jazz Lady Dorothy.

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Brno Trade Fairs - Pavilion P

20:00 - 31. 05.

Výstaviště 405/1, 603 00 Brno

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Welcome to the Jungle

If you plan on going on with a bang, you’re going to need some Guns, and Roses for your grave. Well, we’ve got both, plus a Madfinger rave!

Our Farewell Party will take place at Brno’s legendary club Fléda, on Saturday 01.06 at 20:00. Headlined by Guns n' Roses (tribute) and powered by Madfinger games (who’ll bring out the electronic music), it's going be the perfect way to let loose after 2 days of hardcore conferencing.

If you plan on going to Czech Games Live Orchestra, don’t worry. You'll be able to catch both concerts within the same night.

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Fleda club

20:00 - 01. 06.

Štefánikova 95, Brno

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