Jarosław Andrzejczak

Jarosław Andrzejczak

Lodz University of Technology
Assistant Professor at the Lodz University of Technology with 15 years of experience. Head of production, UX and interaction design in GRYDSEN VR (awarded i.a. the Gold Medal at the Japan Design, Idea and Invention Expo in Kyoto and the Gold Medal at the ConcoursLepine International Invention Exhibition in Paris). Participated in many scientific projects as a UI / UX expert. Member of the organizing committee of the Conference on Game Innovations and the ZTGK Challenge.

Talks & sessions

Don't shoot the tutor: what we learned by teaching game design and development

End: 16:20
If you have ever thought about sharing your knowledge and experience with young gamdev adepts then we will give you a hint. In the course of more than 15 years of experience in education at the first gamedev specialty created in Poland, we raised a generation of developers, many of whom now play an important role in the industry. And now we'd like to share with you our methods, stories of what worked and what didn't, as well as inspire you to share your knowledge.
During our more than fifteen years of work at Poland's first video game development specialty, we have already trained not dozens but hundreds of young developers for the game industry, many of whom are specialists in their field and have played an important role in the history of the Polish game industry. During this time, we have repeatedly invited guest specialists from the industry to share their knowledge, and we noticed that when we combined our didactic experience with that of industry practitioners we obtained the best results. Namely, students created more advanced solutions, were more likely to implement the content heard from the industry guests in their projects and became better themselves as a result. With our guidance and advice, industry professionals were able to better structure the knowledge they were imparting and better address it for their audiences. Now we would like to share our experience and expertise in effective knowledge transfer.